Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Living my goal!

Ever since I was a little girl, I would watch the Miss America Pageant and wanted to be her soooooo bad!! Later in my pre-teens I began competing and met so many amazing girls and gained so many of life's essentials such as...Confidence, happiness, pride, interview skills and the true meaning of beauty! Now at 18 years old and hold my 2nd title now I fully understand that this title is a job and a hard one at that! It's not just walking around looking pretty, waving at little girls and wearing the crown. It's bettering my city in every way that I can though community service and setting an example for children and my peers in my town. Which is harder than it sounds because it is a full time job while I am also trying to maintain a normal young adult life with my friends and boyfriend but I wouldn't give up this job for anything! This is my year and I am very proud to be Miss Simi Valley 2010!!